Ways to help the Missouri Stream Team Program...
A Contribution to the Missouri Stream Team Program is Tax Deductible!
The fast-paced society we all live in can make it difficult to find the time to help conserve, protect, and restore Missouri's rivers and streams. There is a way you can help. Take ten minutes a year to send in a tax deductible contribution.
The cost of serving the volunteers who monitor water quality, pick up trash, work on bank restoration projects, and perform a myriad of other stream projects continues to grow as the program grows.
Your contributions are used to purchase water quality monitoring equipment, trash bags, work gloves, first-aid kits, Stream Team Curriculum, training workshops, and incentives for the volunteers. Stream Team volunteers benefit from every dollar contributed to the Stream Team Program. There are no administrative costs deducted from your contributions.
If you are looking for a way to help conserve and protect Missouri's natural flowing resources, please send your contributions in today.
Donate now online:
Mail in Donation Form - Thank you for supporting the Missouri Stream Team Program!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Rebecca O'Hearn
Phone: (573)522-4115 ext 3155
Fax: (573)526-0990
Email: Rebecca.O'Hearn@mdc.mo.gov