There are many publications available to help Stream Teams with their projects. Please feel free to print and use any of the publications found here.
Stream Team Publications
Stream Team Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet #1 - Tree Planting Guide
Fact Sheet #2 - Spotlight on the Big Muddy
Fact Sheet #4 - Missouri is Number One?
Fact Sheet #5 - Responsible ATV Use
Fact Sheet #6 - Headwater Streams
Fact Sheet #8 - Exotic Does Not Mean Beauty
Fact Sheet #10 - Stream Sedimentation
Fact Sheet #11 - Emerald Ash Borer Found In Missouri
Fact Sheet #12 - Protecting Prairies = Protecting Streams
Fact Sheet #13 - Life Cycles and Natural History of Aquatic Insects - Part 1: Introduction
Fact Sheet #14 - Life Cycles and Natural History of Aquatic Insects - Part 2: Mayflies
Fact Sheet #15 - Life Cycles and Natural History of Aquatic Insects - Part 3: Stoneflies
Fact Sheet #16 - Life Cycles and Natural History of Aquatic Insects - Part 4: Caddisflies
Fact Sheet #17 - Life Cycles and Natural History of Aquatic Insects - Part 5: The Beetles
Fact Sheet #21 - Freshwater Mussels
Fact Sheet #22 - The Crayfishes
Fact Sheet #23 - Where does the Rain Go?
Fact Sheet #25 - Native Plants
Fact Sheet #26 - Invasive Species Alert - Hydrilla
Fact Sheet #27 - Invasive Species Alert - Didymo
Fact Sheet #28 - Invasive Species Alert - Asian Bush Honeysuckle
Fact Sheet #29 - The Properties of Water
Fact Sheet #30 - Blue-Green Algae and Harmful Algal Blooms
Fact Sheet #31 - Microplastics
Fact Sheet #32 - Heads Up on Low Head Dams
Fact Sheet #33 - MS4: Combating Urban Stormwater Pollution
Fact Sheet #34 - Missouri's Riparian Forests
Fact Sheet #35 - Icy Roads = Salty Streams
Fact Sheet #36 - Stay Afloat Healthy Practices in Natural Water Bodies
Kids Corner
Missouri Streams Fact Sheets